Navigate PCA 2019
If you've joined us for Polymer Clay Adventure, here's how to find your classes and discussion areas! If you have not joined us yet, check it out here at this link.
First and Most Important: Login to the site. If you can't login-------->
You are allowed to shop here at CreateAlong as a GUEST. Guest users have NO way to login. We sent you an invitation to ACTIVATE your account- it is an email that came from Please go look for it. Even if you have purchased items many times from us before, you could still have "guest" status until you activate your account. PLEASE DO THIS FIRST.
Once you are logged in, just click the PCA 2019 Classes link on the menu bar of the site. This link.
All of the info, supply lists, link to the Facebook group, and class videos are at that link. Here's a video explanation of where to go. Enjoy!